Thursday, October 25, 2012

What do you really, really want?

They always ask those beauty pageant contestants what they want most of all.....common answer...Peace On Earth. Anyone ever ask you what you want in life? Really, what do you want out of life? Something big, beyond the normal, the unselfish wish that would bless others. Maybe those beauty queens aren't too far off after all. Do away with hunger, disease, crime, greed, child abuse, drug epidemic or
world peace, no more war. Well, let me tell you, all of those things are yours and much more in heaven. You are also given the abundant life in the midst of all the before mentioned trials. It is yours as a Christian. So, when we ask that humongous question to someone without a relationship with Christ, tell them what all you have and it is available to them also. I am absolutely convinced it is the love of God that leads to repentance of sin and faith in Him. What do you really, really want? I can only speak for me and this is my lofty desire.....I would like to see as many as possible come to Christ and be saved before they die or He returns. Think about it, what could be more valuable than that? I have more than I deserve, loved more than I ever expected and blessed beyond measure. Since I have so much, I want you to get in on it too. Trust your life to the Lord Jesus Christ now. Free and freedom all in One. Br. Larry

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