Thursday, October 25, 2012

Never apologize for being an American.

Debates are over. All of the early appreciation of a novice in the White House four years ago bows to experience today. We have lended that trust again and again in any new Commander In Chief. As one Newspaper in liberal Canada spoke, "Without America There Is No Free World..." Let us not forget that all the nations that fell over the past two years in the middle east were craving the freedoms we
own. Never apologize for being an American. We have confessed our sins repeatedly of slavery, Japanese camps, Native American abuses of treaties but we all now fit under the same umberella of diversity. Patriotism announces not perfection but progress always in tenaciously holding onto freedom both here and around the world. I regret the hesitation of mentioning God in most debates. Yet, every patriotic song we sing and every pledge we make, every money we spend is vivid with His reference. I am a lover of God's America. I pray they bring Him back to forefront of our identity. No apologies. Br. Larry

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