Thursday, October 25, 2012

A miracle already forgotten.

Jesus fed 5000 in the Gospel of Mark ch.6., a tremendous miracle. There were 12 basket full of fish and loaves left. Then in the next scene they are in a boat on a stormy sea while Jesus went to the mountain to pray. Fear grips the twelve men until Jesus comes walking on the water. Verse 48 says he meant to pass by them but He rescued them. He gets into the boat and the wind ceases. Verse 52 is very interesting, for it says,
"They did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened." So, back to the previous scene of many people and much food. A miracle already forgotten. Here is where I see myself and most of us also. A dense mind and a hardened heart that will not let us receive the supernatural work of God. God is a novelty, a flash in the earthy pan but to deem this as available each day in fellowship is standing water on the cement of the human heart. Whether in a boat on the sea or a grassy mountain side being catered by the creator, we are in access to divine provision daily. Lord, clear up our misunderstanding and chisel through the hardness of our doubting heart to what is in us and around us and above us. YOU! Br. Larry, just saying.....

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