The Ozark sun is shining, cool but no wind. A great morning to sit in his presence, soak up His love and share in His plan. The tendency to worry is always a thought away. It matters not where you are or how far you go, your concern lives on. I experienced this for the years in Hawaii; there is no, "out of sight out of mind", where love is concerned.
Perhaps, the Apostle Paul, taking pen i had or dictating to Luke or Tertius, was feeling the same as letters were written to churches to people he loved. Paul also, spoke about himself in these letters, some were in defense of his calling and others were, "don't make me come back there with my anger". Love makes us use every ounce of energy, exhaust our words on paper, spend the last dime, shed tears until we are dry and diminish sleep. All because of love. Unless given to God, love produces worry or the Christian term concern and compassion. 2 Corinthians 1:1-10 gives a reason for your struggle, to receive God's comfort so you can comfort others. There is that love again. There is so much to do, so many to love and so little time.
Psalm 8 is awesome to sing to God and it is already a praise song. "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers" (3), David looked, he saw, he sang, he understood and appreciated it all. There he wrote the words that are recorded again in Hebrews in verse 4, "What is man that You are mindful of him or the Son of Man that you would care?" since You are God, why do You need us or give thought to us or even care about us? Looking at the heavens, we are very insignificant, in God's vast properties but He loves us.
He loves us enough to provide for us, to fellowship with us, to die for us, to discipline us and to judge our world. What I see coming:
- Revival and repentance for some
- Religion and refusal for some
- Retribution and judgment for most
- Redemption and deliverance for a few
- Revelation and respect for God Almighty
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