February 23, Saturday
Has God spoken to you in the night, when no other voice could be heard? Has He given you counsel and there is the closed door privacy of your heart, a listening, a dialogue, a truth emerges? In Psalm 16:7 David wrote, "I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me." I often struggle with sleep, by nature I am nocturnal, it is not an easy experience to shut down and rest. Many times the Father has revealed very specific truths which are compatible with His Word and designed for me only.
We are in a personalized relationship with our God. Jesus is a personal Savior, salvation is personal, His Lordship is personal as is His leadership. The Holy Spirit deals so intimately with our hearts revealing His clear calling and direction. Too often we see the image of the Spirit working in an invitation at the close of a church service. Yet, for most, it is in the middle of the night in a dark room, on a crumpled pillow and unlike other items that have entered your mind, you won't forget the counsel revealed to your heart.
I understand that according to one rendering, Charolotte Elliot who wrote, "Just As I Am", arose from her bed in the middle of the night, knelt and gave her own life to Jesus Christ. Jimmy Carter, former President, then Governor of Georgia, arose in the night with a word from God he was to run for President of the U.S. He called his mother and confirmed it. My call to the ministry came in the night as others slept in a "once in a lifetime vision" but it was so real. In Acts 16:9, Paul had a vision "in the night", or the Macedonian call to preach the gospel.
Remember, He gives His beloved sleep but He may have something to say before the Melatonin kicks in, so listen. Be ever alert as a clear, still small voice ask you to lie on the couch of counsel and listen. Yes, the evil one speaks also but you'll find no peace in his voice nor rest in his counsel. The Father is speaking today and tonight, listen. Amen.
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