Wednesday, February 20
We have been warned by the weather men that ice, sleet, snow and cold are coming. We are stocked up and realize that if we lose power, we are stuck. The danger in driving is also expressed and even walking when ice occurs. There is a use God can make of it all, though we are ignorant of the purpose.
I will meet with Pastor Dennis Webb of New Beginnings Fellowship for lunch. A similar story with his church and ours. He is a kindred spirit who has made many sacrifices and as do we, still struggle with debt and demands of staff to produce ministry. The investment is worthwhile of God but it is a hard sell among the younger generation who seek emotion and lack loyalty. Their lives are much more complex for they have not reached the realm of stability and security. There are exceptions. Life is a struggle for all ages, either health, finances, family or depression.
An investment must be made in the word of God, to study, seek God and grow into His will. Too often we use scripture as a cliche' or a pet phrase to capture our own destination. These words usually came in difficult times and were altered by an exhausted prophet to a rebellious people from a loving but often angry God. Takes a little extra time to gather the scope of the entire circumstance.
My next words may be ill chosen but they are honest, heart felt and even strong. There is enough of beating ourselves up when we are surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ and trying in His power to do the Father's Will. Others are often unsuspecting pawns in Satan's scheme to inflict pain on others. My human nature would give them other titles but that would require greater repentance. The concept of sabbatical is rest, reflect, hear God's voice and act on the new path that emerges. At least for me that is the goal. Only one voice will count, His. Only I can know it. I ask God to discipline the foolish with His hand and they know it. I certainly did. Amen
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