Thursday, February 21
We are iced in the Ozarks. So far no power outages but now the snow will come to add weight to the ice. It is cold, windy with occasional gusts, as if mother nature sneezed. So, let us enjoy the quiet with God.
The year of Jubilee has come in my life, a time of rest, let the mind by idle, the ground lay fallow in my mind and the slaves of habits set free. So many masters we have but tout only one. We hide behind the mask of busyness and religion.
For many, religion is a master that owns people, with its rites and regulations. Guilt is created in the religion of church and the add-on's add up to more bondage. Where is God in all of this? He detested the offerings brought without love, obedience and sincerity. Governments can be dangerous but they fall, dictators pass on but religion is powerful as it grabs the soul with its absolutes. Unlike other things like traditions, religion moves from generation to generation adding more baggage as it goes. Soon the essence of its meaning is completely lost in the hierarchy of man and his religion, bondage follows for the followers.
Every creature down deep yearns for freedom. To the human of God's likeness, there are so many masters of drugs, food, alcohol, pride, money, sex, and the list is endless Paul wrote that to him all things were lawful but he would not allow any to be his master and furthermore he would not participate in anything that would cause his brother to stumble, for that would be a sin against Christ.
There is a wonderful old gospel hymn we used to sing called, "Out of my Bondage", on hearing it I would picture Jesus with out stretched arms welcoming me, the prodigal, home. Not from the far country of sin but from the nearer fields of religion, expectations, schedule and preoccupation. I am a big guy, an ambulance would need to make two trips to haul me but I fit as a child in the Master's embrace, "Lovely, safe and warm place."
Pass the mid mark of the first week of rest and revelation are on the way. First, to set down the old and walk out of the depleted field. Trust God as it lays idle awhile. Amen
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