Sunday, February 24
It is a difficult process, the search for God's will and positioning oneself to receive it. Three ingredients are needed. 1) Patience 2) Waiting and 3) Faith. In the Bible often they were told to wait for the Lord's salvation. The Apostle James said, "Let patience have her own good work," and along the way stay faithful, or keep the faith.
After walking nearly 700 miles to Hebron from Haran, Abraham quit waiting and went into the tent of Hagar and compromised. It makes all the difference in what God will do through you in His time than what you'll do for Him in yours. God makes a promise, He keeps it. Sometimes He is specific in the time but more often He wants us to rely on faith.
This past week has been an experience of waiting for me. I have stood on the shoreline of time and looked for the proverbial bottle to wash in so I can pop the cork and read the message. However, as I stood on the sand I saw some gorgeous sunsets and my mind was slowed. I think God wanted me to feel the tide, see the horizon and appreciate the constant rather than look for the dramatic. I think the ocean is full of corked bottles with various notes but only one is addressed to you. In reality, the Word from God is not in a bottle but in the Word and inside you; sort of in the ocean rather than the bottle.
A new paradigm for me, church, life and joy are coming. I keep tweaking the old one and looking for a change. No, it begins with me. I am not going quietly into that good night. There is further ledges on the mountain of life to ascend. My grip must be stronger, my mind clearer and the joy returning for the next level.
Father, I wait on You with great anticipation. I serve while I wait. Thank You for calling to me, caring for me and continuing in me. I ask Your will be done, not mine. I ask forgiveness for my lack of patience. I truly love you Lord. Amen
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
In the Middle of the Night
February 23, Saturday
Has God spoken to you in the night, when no other voice could be heard? Has He given you counsel and there is the closed door privacy of your heart, a listening, a dialogue, a truth emerges? In Psalm 16:7 David wrote, "I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me." I often struggle with sleep, by nature I am nocturnal, it is not an easy experience to shut down and rest. Many times the Father has revealed very specific truths which are compatible with His Word and designed for me only.
We are in a personalized relationship with our God. Jesus is a personal Savior, salvation is personal, His Lordship is personal as is His leadership. The Holy Spirit deals so intimately with our hearts revealing His clear calling and direction. Too often we see the image of the Spirit working in an invitation at the close of a church service. Yet, for most, it is in the middle of the night in a dark room, on a crumpled pillow and unlike other items that have entered your mind, you won't forget the counsel revealed to your heart.
I understand that according to one rendering, Charolotte Elliot who wrote, "Just As I Am", arose from her bed in the middle of the night, knelt and gave her own life to Jesus Christ. Jimmy Carter, former President, then Governor of Georgia, arose in the night with a word from God he was to run for President of the U.S. He called his mother and confirmed it. My call to the ministry came in the night as others slept in a "once in a lifetime vision" but it was so real. In Acts 16:9, Paul had a vision "in the night", or the Macedonian call to preach the gospel.
Remember, He gives His beloved sleep but He may have something to say before the Melatonin kicks in, so listen. Be ever alert as a clear, still small voice ask you to lie on the couch of counsel and listen. Yes, the evil one speaks also but you'll find no peace in his voice nor rest in his counsel. The Father is speaking today and tonight, listen. Amen.
Has God spoken to you in the night, when no other voice could be heard? Has He given you counsel and there is the closed door privacy of your heart, a listening, a dialogue, a truth emerges? In Psalm 16:7 David wrote, "I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me." I often struggle with sleep, by nature I am nocturnal, it is not an easy experience to shut down and rest. Many times the Father has revealed very specific truths which are compatible with His Word and designed for me only.
We are in a personalized relationship with our God. Jesus is a personal Savior, salvation is personal, His Lordship is personal as is His leadership. The Holy Spirit deals so intimately with our hearts revealing His clear calling and direction. Too often we see the image of the Spirit working in an invitation at the close of a church service. Yet, for most, it is in the middle of the night in a dark room, on a crumpled pillow and unlike other items that have entered your mind, you won't forget the counsel revealed to your heart.
I understand that according to one rendering, Charolotte Elliot who wrote, "Just As I Am", arose from her bed in the middle of the night, knelt and gave her own life to Jesus Christ. Jimmy Carter, former President, then Governor of Georgia, arose in the night with a word from God he was to run for President of the U.S. He called his mother and confirmed it. My call to the ministry came in the night as others slept in a "once in a lifetime vision" but it was so real. In Acts 16:9, Paul had a vision "in the night", or the Macedonian call to preach the gospel.
Remember, He gives His beloved sleep but He may have something to say before the Melatonin kicks in, so listen. Be ever alert as a clear, still small voice ask you to lie on the couch of counsel and listen. Yes, the evil one speaks also but you'll find no peace in his voice nor rest in his counsel. The Father is speaking today and tonight, listen. Amen.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Lessons From A Cup of Coffee
It is true and I have said it any times, our biggest struggle is not with satan but is with God. The devil uses the flesh and the world and the mind but all he can do is tempt Without God's nod, he can do nothing to us or without our own giving in to the brief pseudo pleasures he offers. Yet, with God, He gives a Book of Counsel, a Spirit for strength and sensitivity to the Book's truth and He gives absolutes for our actions, good and bad, that alters the future for us and others.
I can feebly illustrate with the half cup of cool coffee in my hand. It was hot when I began to sip but neglect and time cooled it. If I add more coffee to the half cool cup I will have lukewarm coffee. If I pour out the old and fill the vessel with fresh hot tasty brew, I am pleased. I often stubbornly cling to the lukewarm rather than fill with fresh. So it is with our lives, we cannot have the fire of God until we empty out the ways of the world. Our lips say we love the Lord but our half full life says otherwise, lukewarm.
Let me persist a little further with my "good-to-the-last-drop", illustration. In the cabinet are smaller vessels which would contain or hold a smaller amount of coffee. However, the principle would be the same and the preferred cup is the larger by design and by use. Why would I diminish my spiritual life by cutting back on the Word, prayer, obedience, love and faith. We have all done that. No, the larger vessel is best by far.
There is also some Styrofoam cups which could be used but they are artificial. Some leak, some flake off and some change the taste of the liquid inside. We can be just as synthetic as the Styrofoam cup by being religious and ritualistic and compromise. God has use of the real, the genuine to fill with the Spirit and truth. Forgive me for my own choice of the artificial in life and not seeking to be a genuine vessel of God.
An old song says, "Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord.", today I ask for a filling of the real thing - You Lord. Amen
I can feebly illustrate with the half cup of cool coffee in my hand. It was hot when I began to sip but neglect and time cooled it. If I add more coffee to the half cool cup I will have lukewarm coffee. If I pour out the old and fill the vessel with fresh hot tasty brew, I am pleased. I often stubbornly cling to the lukewarm rather than fill with fresh. So it is with our lives, we cannot have the fire of God until we empty out the ways of the world. Our lips say we love the Lord but our half full life says otherwise, lukewarm.
Let me persist a little further with my "good-to-the-last-drop", illustration. In the cabinet are smaller vessels which would contain or hold a smaller amount of coffee. However, the principle would be the same and the preferred cup is the larger by design and by use. Why would I diminish my spiritual life by cutting back on the Word, prayer, obedience, love and faith. We have all done that. No, the larger vessel is best by far.
There is also some Styrofoam cups which could be used but they are artificial. Some leak, some flake off and some change the taste of the liquid inside. We can be just as synthetic as the Styrofoam cup by being religious and ritualistic and compromise. God has use of the real, the genuine to fill with the Spirit and truth. Forgive me for my own choice of the artificial in life and not seeking to be a genuine vessel of God.
An old song says, "Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord.", today I ask for a filling of the real thing - You Lord. Amen
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Out of my Bondage
Thursday, February 21
We are iced in the Ozarks. So far no power outages but now the snow will come to add weight to the ice. It is cold, windy with occasional gusts, as if mother nature sneezed. So, let us enjoy the quiet with God.
The year of Jubilee has come in my life, a time of rest, let the mind by idle, the ground lay fallow in my mind and the slaves of habits set free. So many masters we have but tout only one. We hide behind the mask of busyness and religion.
For many, religion is a master that owns people, with its rites and regulations. Guilt is created in the religion of church and the add-on's add up to more bondage. Where is God in all of this? He detested the offerings brought without love, obedience and sincerity. Governments can be dangerous but they fall, dictators pass on but religion is powerful as it grabs the soul with its absolutes. Unlike other things like traditions, religion moves from generation to generation adding more baggage as it goes. Soon the essence of its meaning is completely lost in the hierarchy of man and his religion, bondage follows for the followers.
Every creature down deep yearns for freedom. To the human of God's likeness, there are so many masters of drugs, food, alcohol, pride, money, sex, and the list is endless Paul wrote that to him all things were lawful but he would not allow any to be his master and furthermore he would not participate in anything that would cause his brother to stumble, for that would be a sin against Christ.
There is a wonderful old gospel hymn we used to sing called, "Out of my Bondage", on hearing it I would picture Jesus with out stretched arms welcoming me, the prodigal, home. Not from the far country of sin but from the nearer fields of religion, expectations, schedule and preoccupation. I am a big guy, an ambulance would need to make two trips to haul me but I fit as a child in the Master's embrace, "Lovely, safe and warm place."
Pass the mid mark of the first week of rest and revelation are on the way. First, to set down the old and walk out of the depleted field. Trust God as it lays idle awhile. Amen
We are iced in the Ozarks. So far no power outages but now the snow will come to add weight to the ice. It is cold, windy with occasional gusts, as if mother nature sneezed. So, let us enjoy the quiet with God.
The year of Jubilee has come in my life, a time of rest, let the mind by idle, the ground lay fallow in my mind and the slaves of habits set free. So many masters we have but tout only one. We hide behind the mask of busyness and religion.
For many, religion is a master that owns people, with its rites and regulations. Guilt is created in the religion of church and the add-on's add up to more bondage. Where is God in all of this? He detested the offerings brought without love, obedience and sincerity. Governments can be dangerous but they fall, dictators pass on but religion is powerful as it grabs the soul with its absolutes. Unlike other things like traditions, religion moves from generation to generation adding more baggage as it goes. Soon the essence of its meaning is completely lost in the hierarchy of man and his religion, bondage follows for the followers.
Every creature down deep yearns for freedom. To the human of God's likeness, there are so many masters of drugs, food, alcohol, pride, money, sex, and the list is endless Paul wrote that to him all things were lawful but he would not allow any to be his master and furthermore he would not participate in anything that would cause his brother to stumble, for that would be a sin against Christ.
There is a wonderful old gospel hymn we used to sing called, "Out of my Bondage", on hearing it I would picture Jesus with out stretched arms welcoming me, the prodigal, home. Not from the far country of sin but from the nearer fields of religion, expectations, schedule and preoccupation. I am a big guy, an ambulance would need to make two trips to haul me but I fit as a child in the Master's embrace, "Lovely, safe and warm place."
Pass the mid mark of the first week of rest and revelation are on the way. First, to set down the old and walk out of the depleted field. Trust God as it lays idle awhile. Amen
Hard Words
Wednesday, February 20
We have been warned by the weather men that ice, sleet, snow and cold are coming. We are stocked up and realize that if we lose power, we are stuck. The danger in driving is also expressed and even walking when ice occurs. There is a use God can make of it all, though we are ignorant of the purpose.
I will meet with Pastor Dennis Webb of New Beginnings Fellowship for lunch. A similar story with his church and ours. He is a kindred spirit who has made many sacrifices and as do we, still struggle with debt and demands of staff to produce ministry. The investment is worthwhile of God but it is a hard sell among the younger generation who seek emotion and lack loyalty. Their lives are much more complex for they have not reached the realm of stability and security. There are exceptions. Life is a struggle for all ages, either health, finances, family or depression.
An investment must be made in the word of God, to study, seek God and grow into His will. Too often we use scripture as a cliche' or a pet phrase to capture our own destination. These words usually came in difficult times and were altered by an exhausted prophet to a rebellious people from a loving but often angry God. Takes a little extra time to gather the scope of the entire circumstance.
My next words may be ill chosen but they are honest, heart felt and even strong. There is enough of beating ourselves up when we are surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ and trying in His power to do the Father's Will. Others are often unsuspecting pawns in Satan's scheme to inflict pain on others. My human nature would give them other titles but that would require greater repentance. The concept of sabbatical is rest, reflect, hear God's voice and act on the new path that emerges. At least for me that is the goal. Only one voice will count, His. Only I can know it. I ask God to discipline the foolish with His hand and they know it. I certainly did. Amen
We have been warned by the weather men that ice, sleet, snow and cold are coming. We are stocked up and realize that if we lose power, we are stuck. The danger in driving is also expressed and even walking when ice occurs. There is a use God can make of it all, though we are ignorant of the purpose.
I will meet with Pastor Dennis Webb of New Beginnings Fellowship for lunch. A similar story with his church and ours. He is a kindred spirit who has made many sacrifices and as do we, still struggle with debt and demands of staff to produce ministry. The investment is worthwhile of God but it is a hard sell among the younger generation who seek emotion and lack loyalty. Their lives are much more complex for they have not reached the realm of stability and security. There are exceptions. Life is a struggle for all ages, either health, finances, family or depression.
An investment must be made in the word of God, to study, seek God and grow into His will. Too often we use scripture as a cliche' or a pet phrase to capture our own destination. These words usually came in difficult times and were altered by an exhausted prophet to a rebellious people from a loving but often angry God. Takes a little extra time to gather the scope of the entire circumstance.
My next words may be ill chosen but they are honest, heart felt and even strong. There is enough of beating ourselves up when we are surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ and trying in His power to do the Father's Will. Others are often unsuspecting pawns in Satan's scheme to inflict pain on others. My human nature would give them other titles but that would require greater repentance. The concept of sabbatical is rest, reflect, hear God's voice and act on the new path that emerges. At least for me that is the goal. Only one voice will count, His. Only I can know it. I ask God to discipline the foolish with His hand and they know it. I certainly did. Amen
Out of sight, not out of mind.
February 19
The Ozark sun is shining, cool but no wind. A great morning to sit in his presence, soak up His love and share in His plan. The tendency to worry is always a thought away. It matters not where you are or how far you go, your concern lives on. I experienced this for the years in Hawaii; there is no, "out of sight out of mind", where love is concerned.
Perhaps, the Apostle Paul, taking pen i had or dictating to Luke or Tertius, was feeling the same as letters were written to churches to people he loved. Paul also, spoke about himself in these letters, some were in defense of his calling and others were, "don't make me come back there with my anger". Love makes us use every ounce of energy, exhaust our words on paper, spend the last dime, shed tears until we are dry and diminish sleep. All because of love. Unless given to God, love produces worry or the Christian term concern and compassion. 2 Corinthians 1:1-10 gives a reason for your struggle, to receive God's comfort so you can comfort others. There is that love again. There is so much to do, so many to love and so little time.
Psalm 8 is awesome to sing to God and it is already a praise song. "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers" (3), David looked, he saw, he sang, he understood and appreciated it all. There he wrote the words that are recorded again in Hebrews in verse 4, "What is man that You are mindful of him or the Son of Man that you would care?" since You are God, why do You need us or give thought to us or even care about us? Looking at the heavens, we are very insignificant, in God's vast properties but He loves us.
He loves us enough to provide for us, to fellowship with us, to die for us, to discipline us and to judge our world. What I see coming:
The Ozark sun is shining, cool but no wind. A great morning to sit in his presence, soak up His love and share in His plan. The tendency to worry is always a thought away. It matters not where you are or how far you go, your concern lives on. I experienced this for the years in Hawaii; there is no, "out of sight out of mind", where love is concerned.
Perhaps, the Apostle Paul, taking pen i had or dictating to Luke or Tertius, was feeling the same as letters were written to churches to people he loved. Paul also, spoke about himself in these letters, some were in defense of his calling and others were, "don't make me come back there with my anger". Love makes us use every ounce of energy, exhaust our words on paper, spend the last dime, shed tears until we are dry and diminish sleep. All because of love. Unless given to God, love produces worry or the Christian term concern and compassion. 2 Corinthians 1:1-10 gives a reason for your struggle, to receive God's comfort so you can comfort others. There is that love again. There is so much to do, so many to love and so little time.
Psalm 8 is awesome to sing to God and it is already a praise song. "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers" (3), David looked, he saw, he sang, he understood and appreciated it all. There he wrote the words that are recorded again in Hebrews in verse 4, "What is man that You are mindful of him or the Son of Man that you would care?" since You are God, why do You need us or give thought to us or even care about us? Looking at the heavens, we are very insignificant, in God's vast properties but He loves us.
He loves us enough to provide for us, to fellowship with us, to die for us, to discipline us and to judge our world. What I see coming:
- Revival and repentance for some
- Religion and refusal for some
- Retribution and judgment for most
- Redemption and deliverance for a few
- Revelation and respect for God Almighty
Monday, February 18, 2013
Nightmare and the Psalms
Monday, February 18
My self-imposed rehab is more of a challenge than I thought. The addiction to take care of others, to be there, to be producing something, is like a
drug but actually a daily lifestyle. I wonder how many people dream? I don't often but when I do, it is a sci-fi original, that would make anyone scream like a frightened child. Where did that come from? Last night was fright night in a peaceful condo. I remember Vickie asking, "Are you okay?" She obviously missed the flesh eating zombies at midnight.
Yesterday, a great day for he books of life. The experience in a New Beginnings church in Hollister was like being home. Vickie cooked, on a scale of one to ten, a twelve of a meal. Roast, cabbage, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, lemonade and to top it off...tums. We are so different but like much of the same killer foods in farm-hand portions. The condo smells like cabbage and the people upstairs are moving out, so it accomplished the purpose in a dual way!
I have returned to the Psalms while in study and the balance of the Book of Acts I am realizing what a gutsy guy David was in ordering God around, questioning Him and then begging Him to act on his behalf. Then he calls it a Psalm of David and the choir sang it on the next Sabbath. Perhaps, that is why David was so real, transparent and spoke for us all. My intense verse of grief, "I am weary with my moaning, every night I flood my bed with tears; I drench my couch with weeping." Ps. 6:6. It ends, as do most of the Psalms, in a pleasant deliverance; "The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord accepts my prayer." v.9 David had his own flesh-eating zombies to deal with. He was so honest.
Another chapter, another day, a new adventure. Today I am going to be active, swim, walk and do weights. Whew! I'm tired just writing that sentence. I need to walk to Arizona and back and not stop to eat. Fat chance of that. A slip of words. So Lord, this warehouse of a body needs swept out and downsized to make it a fit temple. Help! Amen.
My self-imposed rehab is more of a challenge than I thought. The addiction to take care of others, to be there, to be producing something, is like a
drug but actually a daily lifestyle. I wonder how many people dream? I don't often but when I do, it is a sci-fi original, that would make anyone scream like a frightened child. Where did that come from? Last night was fright night in a peaceful condo. I remember Vickie asking, "Are you okay?" She obviously missed the flesh eating zombies at midnight.
Yesterday, a great day for he books of life. The experience in a New Beginnings church in Hollister was like being home. Vickie cooked, on a scale of one to ten, a twelve of a meal. Roast, cabbage, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, lemonade and to top it off...tums. We are so different but like much of the same killer foods in farm-hand portions. The condo smells like cabbage and the people upstairs are moving out, so it accomplished the purpose in a dual way!
I have returned to the Psalms while in study and the balance of the Book of Acts I am realizing what a gutsy guy David was in ordering God around, questioning Him and then begging Him to act on his behalf. Then he calls it a Psalm of David and the choir sang it on the next Sabbath. Perhaps, that is why David was so real, transparent and spoke for us all. My intense verse of grief, "I am weary with my moaning, every night I flood my bed with tears; I drench my couch with weeping." Ps. 6:6. It ends, as do most of the Psalms, in a pleasant deliverance; "The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord accepts my prayer." v.9 David had his own flesh-eating zombies to deal with. He was so honest.
Another chapter, another day, a new adventure. Today I am going to be active, swim, walk and do weights. Whew! I'm tired just writing that sentence. I need to walk to Arizona and back and not stop to eat. Fat chance of that. A slip of words. So Lord, this warehouse of a body needs swept out and downsized to make it a fit temple. Help! Amen.
Being Somewhere
Sunday, February 17
Somewhere a farmer is feeding his cattle, while a faithful dog rides shotgun. Somewhere some poor soul is hung over and nervously tries to light that first calming cigarette. Somewhere, a key is turned and a door is opened to a business set on making a living or a little bit more. Somewhere, and here, breakfast is cooking, Christian music is complimenting the sizzle of frying sausage and a family of one or many are addressing the day with plans of the morning with church and worship. So natural and needed.
The Lord gives His beloved sleep. That is no small thing for a nocturnal person like me my eyes are open, and I really see. My ears are hearing faintly the birds arguing over a grass seed outside my door. My smell is attuned to a skillet and toaster which tells my taste buds to get ready for a delight. Mostly, my heart is open to a fresh breath of the Father's presence, so sweet.
What even this day holds is at His mercy, as am I. An adventure of sorts, who is in the path of blessing to give, receive, connect and this right hand will warm some new persons hand, never realizing it was designed before the earth was formed. God you are so awesome.
I have purposely left the television silent. If a meteor falls, they have no warning, only scientific garbling. We are under His divine watch...all the pundits and politics can't wait, most have nothing new to offer. So, let the day be His. Not a program but people who love Him. I am conscious today that, I am a "Christian", all that goes with that relationship that is personal, powerful and pleasurable.
Somewhere, a hymn, a spiritual song is being sung preparing hearts for worship. Somewhere is everywhere with the omnipresent God and He is here with me. Thank you Lord.
Somewhere a farmer is feeding his cattle, while a faithful dog rides shotgun. Somewhere some poor soul is hung over and nervously tries to light that first calming cigarette. Somewhere, a key is turned and a door is opened to a business set on making a living or a little bit more. Somewhere, and here, breakfast is cooking, Christian music is complimenting the sizzle of frying sausage and a family of one or many are addressing the day with plans of the morning with church and worship. So natural and needed.
The Lord gives His beloved sleep. That is no small thing for a nocturnal person like me my eyes are open, and I really see. My ears are hearing faintly the birds arguing over a grass seed outside my door. My smell is attuned to a skillet and toaster which tells my taste buds to get ready for a delight. Mostly, my heart is open to a fresh breath of the Father's presence, so sweet.
What even this day holds is at His mercy, as am I. An adventure of sorts, who is in the path of blessing to give, receive, connect and this right hand will warm some new persons hand, never realizing it was designed before the earth was formed. God you are so awesome.
I have purposely left the television silent. If a meteor falls, they have no warning, only scientific garbling. We are under His divine watch...all the pundits and politics can't wait, most have nothing new to offer. So, let the day be His. Not a program but people who love Him. I am conscious today that, I am a "Christian", all that goes with that relationship that is personal, powerful and pleasurable.
Somewhere, a hymn, a spiritual song is being sung preparing hearts for worship. Somewhere is everywhere with the omnipresent God and He is here with me. Thank you Lord.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
I Get It
Saturday, February 16
I awoke to a light snow and a still coldness. At 5:30 am there is little movement, no noise except the heating unit, refrigerator and the click of the coffee pot. S.itting at the small round table, there are three empty chairs, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They have all had their and my this morning. In this company of loving holiness there can only be honesty. Isolation, stillness and the heightened spiritual presence does that.
I prayed. No, really prayed and it mad sense because the request all were carved out of mini sermons for each that they will never hear from me but prayerfully from the Father. It is so quiet, I hear every tick of the large clock mounted behind the couch. The only God made item in the room, me. He made the hands that made the rest I am enjoying.
My Bible is open to the Psalms with a glace at David's yo-yo life and cry to God. A contrast of righteous and evil. Sounds familiar. Since it is the Lord's intention for all of us to reign in life, we sense kinship with David. God blessed David and he choked on the blessings. Does something bad come from something good? Certainly, if not handled correctly, the weapon of joy will discharge on your foot or someone elses.
So here I am in the re-hab of solitude wrestling with the Lord. The image comes to mind of my children when small and ill and I have a spoonful of cure but their teeth are clenched shut and all they know is it tastes horrible. I am that child. I could have been well much sooner but wouldn't open up for His divine drugs of healing. So, like my children, whine and complain about how I feel. I am surprised some loving close friend didn't smack me in the face with a shovel and say, "would you shut up!"
Okay, I am listening. Let the meteors of life fall. I have my gloves on, my broom ready and I am able to see it's light clearly before its impact. Once again, I am starting to get it. Amen
I awoke to a light snow and a still coldness. At 5:30 am there is little movement, no noise except the heating unit, refrigerator and the click of the coffee pot. S.itting at the small round table, there are three empty chairs, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They have all had their and my this morning. In this company of loving holiness there can only be honesty. Isolation, stillness and the heightened spiritual presence does that.
I prayed. No, really prayed and it mad sense because the request all were carved out of mini sermons for each that they will never hear from me but prayerfully from the Father. It is so quiet, I hear every tick of the large clock mounted behind the couch. The only God made item in the room, me. He made the hands that made the rest I am enjoying.
My Bible is open to the Psalms with a glace at David's yo-yo life and cry to God. A contrast of righteous and evil. Sounds familiar. Since it is the Lord's intention for all of us to reign in life, we sense kinship with David. God blessed David and he choked on the blessings. Does something bad come from something good? Certainly, if not handled correctly, the weapon of joy will discharge on your foot or someone elses.
So here I am in the re-hab of solitude wrestling with the Lord. The image comes to mind of my children when small and ill and I have a spoonful of cure but their teeth are clenched shut and all they know is it tastes horrible. I am that child. I could have been well much sooner but wouldn't open up for His divine drugs of healing. So, like my children, whine and complain about how I feel. I am surprised some loving close friend didn't smack me in the face with a shovel and say, "would you shut up!"
Okay, I am listening. Let the meteors of life fall. I have my gloves on, my broom ready and I am able to see it's light clearly before its impact. Once again, I am starting to get it. Amen
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