drinking water. Add 35,000 children to
deaths due to no health care or unchecked diseases. The camps are full.
47 million refugees and displaced people. Of the 27 countries that are
in the greatest need, 20 are in Africa, 6 in Asia and the little western
country of Haiti. The U.N. reports that 1 million children enter the
trade of child prostitution every year. If the current trend continues,
the Sub-Saharan African countries will increase from 25 million to 165
million in starvation.There are over 100 million street children in our
world today but estimates of 800 million by 2020. Can you imagine how a
loving Heavenly Father looks to these people? Oh, that's right, no one
has told them about Christ love. Is this any of our business? I am
afraid so, because when they cry out, God hears, touches us and we go to
help. I watch with most amusement that our biggest issue is too much
food and too little walking, as infomercials try to sells us the magic
medicine and machine. While researching this I realized if we could
reach these people with the gospel God would be their Father and take
care of them. Really, it has always worked that way. The spiritual
before the social is the way it works. Start praying, now. I have more
to share later. Br.L
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