We May as well admit it, out world is dripping in the sinful slime of crime. Surely we’ve had enough! The degenerate pedophiles who molest children, trafficking child pornography and rob them of innocence and life are everywhere. The moral barometer has sunk to an all time low as we now laugh at and accept nearly every act that at one time were taboo. Where has our sense of decency gone?
It is time to turn off the television, shun the movies with nudity and cursing, and do not support products that sponsor such immorality. As parents and grandparents, we should be frontline to stem the assault of those who would capture our young loved ones. There was a time as a community, country and yes, our churches, would not tolerate such things. We have gone from being against such as working Sunday’s and no prime time issues of homosexuality and adultery to where it is common place. Check the change in moral standards from a few years ago.
We justify these compromises by the same excuses our young people use, “everyone is doing it” and “in Europe, Las Vegas, and Hollywood, they do it!”. The Bible, that ancient old Book of Wisdom, we call the Word of God, was once our foundation for truth, behavior and laws. Now people ignore it, ridicule it and are offended by it. The Book has not changed, we have. The only steps back to safety and change is through God’s truth.
Who would have ever thought we would have so many child molesters that we must watch our little ones at school, church and home. Websites are created to catch our children when they are still vulnerable. Drugs, gangs, gambling, sex, violence, are on video games, music and the very style of clothing kids wear. The door of the Garden of Evil is flung open wide and our children are gagging on the fruit.
Many of our major religions, churches, and popular preachers refuse to preach on these issues. Why? Someone might be offended. Well, God is very offended. His judgment will come and our silence may be as damning as the world’s sins. We just want to feel good and entertained, don’t bother us with the smut in society. We now can check it out on DVD’s and watch it at home. Yes, there are climate changes going on in our world but it is the moral climate we are ignoring. God’s word promises it’s going to get much hotter and the ozone won’t be involved.
We all saw the little girl on television that was being sexually abused and used for child pornography. We are angry and sad. I fear these images will become so familiar, people will say what’s the problem? The government will not correct this entire pandemic of moral disease. Families, churches, citizens and concerned groups must rally to make a difference. Enough is enough.
Sharpen your pencil and write your person in public office. Talk to your pastor, voice your opinion, talk to your children and start those petitions. Let’s take it bake before the world takes it all away. God is very much alert to our disasters. We don’t need more entertainments, we need revival.
Recently a man in Florida crashed his small plane on a busy freeway. He did not want to harm anyone else but he felt his life was over. By his own confession he was an agnostic. He didn’t believe in God nor did he have time for God. That day he prayed. The plane was destroyed around him. He sat in the seat bleeding yet alive. That day, he said, “I chose a side. God delivered me, I believe.” How about you? Have your picked a side? We won’t stop this horrible world of sins effect until we choose a side, God’s side.
Larry D. Sparks
New Beginnings Church
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