Ministers Corner
Have you ever been really hungry? I don’t mean that after school hunger or when the preacher goes over time on Sunday morning. But actually denied food for an extend period of time. With most of us struggling to keep weight off and dieting, it’s difficult to imagine that hungry people live in our small city. But they do exist and their population is growing. Every race, culture and age is affected by lack of food and poor nutrition.
There are over 700 references in the Bible that speak to feeding the hungry or helping the poor. Over three fourths of our world’s population of nearly seven billion will go to bed hungry tonight. Lack of food is caused by a number of factors globally and locally. Drought or too much rain ruins crops, corrupt governments, breakdown in family, drugs, economic collapse, unemployment and other valid reasons create lack of finances and food. Three main areas form relief for these hungry hurting people. Government agencies, Social services set up to meet such needs and churches.
Jesus said in Matthew 25:42 “For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat…” That is a serious indictment, especially for our churches which claim the name of Jesus. We should be at the front ministering food to people. Everyone needs prayer, some need counsel, cooking classes, job search support, a plan to move up, aid to health issues and help with children’s issues. Many of these are available through entities like Salvation Army, Mission Shawnee, Feed the Children, area churches and community support financially through United Way. Volunteers are always welcome and needed.
It seems we have inflation, recession and depression all at the same time. Desperate times cause people to pray, evaluate self and re-adjust priorities. We drop some of the frivolous toys and get down to basics of human needs. People may drive less, buy less, budget more, spend time together, make Christmas gifts and find themselves not only surviving but conquering hard times.
God is still on His Throne. He cares for our needs but He desires we know Him, trust Him and do things His way. If you are a Believer in the Word and the Lord, I challenge you to show up in church somewhere with your family this Sunday. What would happen if everyone in Shawnee went to church this week? There was prayers, worship and fellowship. Some great things can happen again.
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