Saturday, February 28, 2009

Our House Is a Home

Our house is truly a home. You can sit, lie, stretch out on the couch or loll on the floor and rest. There is never a lack of food for anyone who enters. It may be a sandwich, leftovers, or full course meal but food is bountiful and available. It is always served with worm conversations, laughter, coffee and sense of “don’t hurry off”, as most often we move to the living room from the table. Our house is a home.

There are family pictures everywhere, especially of grandchildren. Books on shelves in and throughout the home show a diversified knowledge and an eagerness to learn. Unique crafts and curious reveal various travels around the world that are brought back to the Sparks’ home. Bibles are found in each room along with other Christian books. This indicates not only an identity as a home but a Christian home.

Changes, up-dates, redecorating is an on-going process at 7 Turkey Knob. The reward of a new picture, painted wall, new piece of furniture or a Garage Sale find always excites the spirits of the Sparks. Evolving, changing and maturing in a positive way. That’s a home.
The landscaped yard that lay dormant at winter now produces grass, green trees, flowers, blooming shrubs and a need to trim and mow. The wonderful labor of a day in the yard is a reward of its own. Duty gloves, stained shirt, aching back and a Better Homes and Garden look which makes you want to sit and soak up the outer homes beauty. Yes, a home.


There it sits on the busy corner of Hardesty and Gordon Cooper Drive, an aging building surrounded by the green fields and casinos. Hardesty Grocery, the family owned and operated business for generations. When Murl retired, brother-in-law, Frank Oliver and wife, Yvonne, kept the old time grocery and market going.
Indeed, this is a place where people know you and stop to talk and talk. Some of the familiar faces that stood vigil at the counter continue to work in this piece of history. These are common folk who with a natural friendliness, pump gas, check out groceries, weigh pecans and sell fresh meat over the old fashioned white counter. Ah, the people in white aprons who wrap your order in white paper are like Jewelers who show the product you’ve drooled over in the slanted glass display case. They then cut it to your design while you patiently stand there imagining it roasted, baked or lying between slices of fresh bread. There is an art to this ancient meat market and a pleasant appreciation for the wonderful product.
In this age of modern Super Stores that have parking lots as big as wheat fields and people in soldier-like uniforms that take your money or you can ever check yourself out; it is wonderful to have the last vintage of a past era to serve you. They may pull in driving a tractor or farm truck, an SUV or a Cadillac but they keep coming to enjoy the meet, vegetables, fruit and friendliness of the old country on his hands on his apron, ready to share a story about family or church; a man whose entire life has been serving others. Ed Barnes is still there, hoisting sacks of pecans that out-weigh him, onto a huge scale. Yvonne, who seems ageless, is s steady presence at the cash register, always smiling.
Then those are the faithful customers who traffic in and out daily like family entering the kitchen. The latest, the political, the gossip, the grapevine, the complaints and the humor all are common sounds around the v-shaped counter. No, this is not an advertisement or criticism of other types of markets but it is an expression of appreciation for the little guy with the big heart who keeps going.
There, on the corner of a country road and a stretched out city street is a vintage of a past era, Hardesty Grocery. Wherever they move, many of us will follow because service, quality and warmth are never out of style.
Chaplain Larry Sparks

For I am God

A Dose of the Word
September 25, 2008

I saw a tee-shirt on a youth at the Shawnee Mall. It read: “I believe in God and you are not Him.” I chuckled, but then I thought many people do behave with an idea the universe revolves around them. When the Old Testament prophet Hosea wrote this verse, “For I am God and not man, the Holy One among you.” Hosea 11:9, four things emerged as divine truth.

There is a difference – “For I am God”. There is only one God. He is creator and sustainer of all life. He is above and says My ways are not your ways or my thoughts are not like yours. The great I AM is a statement of His supremacy, only He is God.

There is a depiction – “and not man”. There could be nearly seven billion of us on this planet now! There were not a billion until 1930 on the earth at one time. Perhaps as many as 42 billion have lived since time and creation. But only one God. He made us, “It is He who made us, and we are His…” Psalm 100:3. We see man depicted as made in the image of God, but not portrayed as God.

There is a divinity – “the Holy One”. God is different not only in power, but in character He is holy. God is pure in love, grace, and all His attributes. Through Jesus Christ, He has revealed Himself totally. We sing “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty” because He is distinct in Holiness.

There is a dispersion – “among you”. Not off up there, but right down here among us. On the road, hallway, home, job, where ever we are, He is there with us. God has dispersed His Spirit to walk with us. He is not a spectator, but a participant.

Chaplain Larry Sparks

For Black History Month 2009

A Dose of the Word

While Look and Life were top selling magazines, a new and different magazine appeared which captured more than a quarter of the Blacks in America as readers. John Johnson, publisher and founder began Ebony in 1945 specifically for World War II veterans. Johnson felt these men who were returning to rebuild their lives needed a wider view of the world and more applied knowledge; besides, people needed to hear stories of successful Blacks.

Believer it or not, Johnson’s first publication was called Negro Digest. Many other business moguls were impressed with his ideas and supplied the capital to progress the work. He asked Eleanor Roosevelt to write a guest article, which made the publication triple in size.

Ebony magazine highlighted famous, yet obscure Black Americans who did great things but were overlooked by White magazines. The big break came when Matthew Henson, a Black explorer, journeyed to the North Pole with Admiral Perry. Zenith began to advertise in Ebony and Negro Digest and the newest magazine Jet. Things really took off and soon there were over 12 million in readership.

Thank God for John Johnson who had faith and courage to do what no one else would do as a Black publisher. Black History Month gives us an opportunity to highlight the contributions of Black America. But remember, in Heaven there’ll be no Whites, Blacks or Hispanic or Asians or Native Americans, just the family of God; “…every tribe, language and people and nation.” Amen!

Chaplain Larry Sparks

Tuesday, February 3, 2009



We are not all on the same page with our belief systems, politics, issues, religion and our ethics. I think there is little doubt there are major disagreements in what is important to us and what we understand as basic moral values. Why do you believe what you believe? That’s a loaded and interesting question that actually calls us to make our choices on nearly all matters of life on those tenets of faith we profess. Which then causes us to ask; Do I know what I believe? How important is it to any decision making process? The answer is it is extremely relevant and those choices we make now affect not only us but also our children and generations to follow.
Looking at the polls won’t help much due to the fact they change daily. Our morals and values cannot be determined by popular trends, the loudest voice, slickest delivery and even what’s best for the economy. You see as Christians, believers, people who believe the teachings of the Bible and embrace the truth of God’s character, our opinion is already settled. God’s already taken His poll and we should be on His side even if it is the smaller percentile. Someone said, we vote on issues not personalities that line up with our God given belief system. Our dear old grandparents were not wrong, nor foolish or uneducated farmers that were void of today’s technologies so unable to respond to the problems of their day. Why? To most of them it was already settled and the rest fell to prayer for leaders who had been elected.
I’m writing in the Religion section of the newspaper of Shawnee, Oklahoma, the belt-buckle we say of the Bible Belt. I don’t recall seeing the Hindu, Jewish, Moslem or Buddhist perspective offered. Why? They came from elsewhere and were I in the genesis of their countries, you would not find Christian doctrine expressed there. I am well aware this is dangerous ground I stand on but honestly, with all our freedoms, history and protections, aren’t we still sealed by a higher moral authority?
It is what God says, not Gallup, that dictates my choice. It is the Word of God (already settled forever in Heaven) that inspires me, not political parties. Sure, I’ll have to open my Bible and read, study and pray to arrive but true doctrine will not divide, it will unite us on those matters of morality. This is a spiritual world we live in, always has been. I am faced with the same dilemma that a crowd of doubters and religious folk encountered on a mountain called Carmel. The question put forth was plain, frank and penetrating, “If God be God follow Him?” I Kings 18:21. “How long will you waver between two opinions?” My opinion is not needed but my vote is. My opinion is already stated on the real issues… in the Word of God. So if it sounds fanatical, out-dated, unpopular, fundamental, right wing, etc., so be it. I believe in the teachings of that ancient old book…The Bible. He does not need me to approve His message; He needs me to believe it.
Pastor Larry Sparks

Ministers Corner

Ministers Corner

Have you ever been really hungry? I don’t mean that after school hunger or when the preacher goes over time on Sunday morning. But actually denied food for an extend period of time. With most of us struggling to keep weight off and dieting, it’s difficult to imagine that hungry people live in our small city. But they do exist and their population is growing. Every race, culture and age is affected by lack of food and poor nutrition.

There are over 700 references in the Bible that speak to feeding the hungry or helping the poor. Over three fourths of our world’s population of nearly seven billion will go to bed hungry tonight. Lack of food is caused by a number of factors globally and locally. Drought or too much rain ruins crops, corrupt governments, breakdown in family, drugs, economic collapse, unemployment and other valid reasons create lack of finances and food. Three main areas form relief for these hungry hurting people. Government agencies, Social services set up to meet such needs and churches.

Jesus said in Matthew 25:42 “For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat…” That is a serious indictment, especially for our churches which claim the name of Jesus. We should be at the front ministering food to people. Everyone needs prayer, some need counsel, cooking classes, job search support, a plan to move up, aid to health issues and help with children’s issues. Many of these are available through entities like Salvation Army, Mission Shawnee, Feed the Children, area churches and community support financially through United Way. Volunteers are always welcome and needed.

It seems we have inflation, recession and depression all at the same time. Desperate times cause people to pray, evaluate self and re-adjust priorities. We drop some of the frivolous toys and get down to basics of human needs. People may drive less, buy less, budget more, spend time together, make Christmas gifts and find themselves not only surviving but conquering hard times.

God is still on His Throne. He cares for our needs but He desires we know Him, trust Him and do things His way. If you are a Believer in the Word and the Lord, I challenge you to show up in church somewhere with your family this Sunday. What would happen if everyone in Shawnee went to church this week? There was prayers, worship and fellowship. Some great things can happen again.

It’s Alright to Believe and Disagree

It’s Alright to Believe and Disagree
My father would say, “Never discuss politics or religion or you’ll offend someone.” Boy was he ever correct, for people are easily offended if you’re not like-minded. If you state your case in either area, someone sharpens his pencil to defend. Well, it makes our paper interesting and often controversial. We should never be ugly, harsh, or mean-spirited with those we disagree. However, we should not be intimidated to alter our convictions because of others offensive responses or defensive words.
We must not suppose that our silence is a contribution to any just cause. Paul wrote to the church at Corinth in his second letter, “I believed, therefore I have spoken.” A quote from Psalm 116:10 but then he goes onto say…”with that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak…” As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and follower of God’s word, we preach, teach and witness. Sometimes people will accuse you of being narrow-minded because you are not like-minded but that’s alright.
The words persuaded, convinced and believed are mentioned frequently in scripture. “I know whom I have believed and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have trusted to Him for that day.” (II Tim. 1:2). There is peace, comfort and genuine encouragement trusting in the authority of God’s word. I remember a precious Bible teacher of children in Chandler when I was a child who shared her faith with many. She was neither shallow nor uneducated or did she blindly adopt her belief system. She knew with conviction where her faith was placed in the Savior.
Many times people aren’t asking to believe something as much as quit believing something. A very radical, controversial person once made a claim…”I am the way the truth and the life…” “If you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.” For those words they were offended, they killed Him but He arose from the dead. That pronounced claim offends even more today.
It’s alright to disagree but its okay also to believe and have convictions. I believe, thus I have spoken.

It’s Alright to Believe and Disagree

It’s Alright to Believe and Disagree
My father would say, “Never discuss politics or religion or you’ll offend someone.” Boy was he ever correct, for people are easily offended if you’re not like-minded. If you state your case in either area, someone sharpens his pencil to defend. Well, it makes our paper interesting and often controversial. We should never be ugly, harsh, or mean-spirited with those we disagree. However, we should not be intimidated to alter our convictions because of others offensive responses or defensive words.
We must not suppose that our silence is a contribution to any just cause. Paul wrote to the church at Corinth in his second letter, “I believed, therefore I have spoken.” A quote from Psalm 116:10 but then he goes onto say…”with that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak…” As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and follower of God’s word, we preach, teach and witness. Sometimes people will accuse you of being narrow-minded because you are not like-minded but that’s alright.
The words persuaded, convinced and believed are mentioned frequently in scripture. “I know whom I have believed and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have trusted to Him for that day.” (II Tim. 1:2). There is peace, comfort and genuine encouragement trusting in the authority of God’s word. I remember a precious Bible teacher of children in Chandler when I was a child who shared her faith with many. She was neither shallow nor uneducated or did she blindly adopt her belief system. She knew with conviction where her faith was placed in the Savior.
Many times people aren’t asking to believe something as much as quit believing something. A very radical, controversial person once made a claim…”I am the way the truth and the life…” “If you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.” For those words they were offended, they killed Him but He arose from the dead. That pronounced claim offends even more today.
It’s alright to disagree but its okay also to believe and have convictions. I believe, thus I have spoken.



We live in a different world than our parents and grandparents lived. We have more to live on but don’t seem to know what to live for. We have more to eat than any other nation on earth and as they struggle for food, we suffer to stay on a diet. New studies show the dangers of smoking but we continue to puff our way to settled nerves while our lungs shrink to dark little pea-pods. Over half our population is on anti-depressants as genuine tears and laughter are only spent on special occasions. We make more but spend more on things we don’t need to impress people we don’t like because our identity is in our possessions not our character. Things have surely changed.
The foolish things our grandparents did by going to church on Sunday and treating the Lord’s Day with respect. Not us! There’s money to be made and products to buy. Imagine sitting on a front porch for two hours or on a fresh mowed lawn just talking with a hand fan slowly moving air around our face. Today we nestle in a lazy boy watching television, video and DVD in an air-conditioned room. We couldn’t be expected to talk to each other? However, let us get in the car and it’s cell phone city at every intersection in town. No, not everything was nostalgic or good but it was simple, predictable and basic decency was the norm. We were embarrassed by certain words, jokes and immodest dress. Nothing shocks us today, we have seen and heard it all.
Can you imagine leaving your doors unlocked at night and the only reason you locked a car was to keep someone from putting squash or tomatoes in it. Today there are alarm systems on our home, automobiles and pepper spray in every purse. We pass through metal detectors at airports, city buildings and some schools because someone will harm us. Every label on a product warns us of some side effect from food to the water we drink. The experts have us as confused as a termite in a yo-yo on what to eat and drink.
We put men in space but not peace in their hearts. Only God can do that, yet, He would need to alter our selfish lives and we couldn’t have that. We continue to be divided over race, religion, sexual genders and politics. I’m thankful these issues are settled forever in Heaven and in the Word of God. There are some good things that are visible on the moral horizon. Abortions have decreased, church attendance is increasing, mission work by laity is at an all time high and Americans continue to out give every country on the planet when help is needed. Some change is good but we cannot sacrifice absolute truth from new philosophies.
I certainly don’t miss the outhouse or the icebox but closeness and community would be wonderful again. Rocking chairs and overalls may make a come back, who knows? I’m not optimistic about getting prayer back in school … just back in church. Things sure have changed. Isn’t it nice to know God never changes nor does His Word, “The grass withers, the flower fades away but the Word of God endures forever.” I Peter 1:24-25. We were given a highlighter not an eraser to embrace God’s truth. It still changes people’s lives through Christ Jesus. Our grandparents were right, simple faith is an unchanging God in a changing world. Hold fast Pilgrim.
Chaplain Larry Sparks


We May as well admit it, out world is dripping in the sinful slime of crime. Surely we’ve had enough! The degenerate pedophiles who molest children, trafficking child pornography and rob them of innocence and life are everywhere. The moral barometer has sunk to an all time low as we now laugh at and accept nearly every act that at one time were taboo. Where has our sense of decency gone?
It is time to turn off the television, shun the movies with nudity and cursing, and do not support products that sponsor such immorality. As parents and grandparents, we should be frontline to stem the assault of those who would capture our young loved ones. There was a time as a community, country and yes, our churches, would not tolerate such things. We have gone from being against such as working Sunday’s and no prime time issues of homosexuality and adultery to where it is common place. Check the change in moral standards from a few years ago.
We justify these compromises by the same excuses our young people use, “everyone is doing it” and “in Europe, Las Vegas, and Hollywood, they do it!”. The Bible, that ancient old Book of Wisdom, we call the Word of God, was once our foundation for truth, behavior and laws. Now people ignore it, ridicule it and are offended by it. The Book has not changed, we have. The only steps back to safety and change is through God’s truth.
Who would have ever thought we would have so many child molesters that we must watch our little ones at school, church and home. Websites are created to catch our children when they are still vulnerable. Drugs, gangs, gambling, sex, violence, are on video games, music and the very style of clothing kids wear. The door of the Garden of Evil is flung open wide and our children are gagging on the fruit.
Many of our major religions, churches, and popular preachers refuse to preach on these issues. Why? Someone might be offended. Well, God is very offended. His judgment will come and our silence may be as damning as the world’s sins. We just want to feel good and entertained, don’t bother us with the smut in society. We now can check it out on DVD’s and watch it at home. Yes, there are climate changes going on in our world but it is the moral climate we are ignoring. God’s word promises it’s going to get much hotter and the ozone won’t be involved.
We all saw the little girl on television that was being sexually abused and used for child pornography. We are angry and sad. I fear these images will become so familiar, people will say what’s the problem? The government will not correct this entire pandemic of moral disease. Families, churches, citizens and concerned groups must rally to make a difference. Enough is enough.
Sharpen your pencil and write your person in public office. Talk to your pastor, voice your opinion, talk to your children and start those petitions. Let’s take it bake before the world takes it all away. God is very much alert to our disasters. We don’t need more entertainments, we need revival.
Recently a man in Florida crashed his small plane on a busy freeway. He did not want to harm anyone else but he felt his life was over. By his own confession he was an agnostic. He didn’t believe in God nor did he have time for God. That day he prayed. The plane was destroyed around him. He sat in the seat bleeding yet alive. That day, he said, “I chose a side. God delivered me, I believe.” How about you? Have your picked a side? We won’t stop this horrible world of sins effect until we choose a side, God’s side.

Larry D. Sparks
New Beginnings Church


I returned only a few days ago from south India where I was engaged in missionary work and starting churches. India has over a billion people and will surpass China in a few years as our planets most populated country, only in a smaller geographic area. Everywhere was a sea of humanity, the worst traffic I have ever experienced and without a doubt poverty beyond hope in many areas. Cattle and water buffalo roamed the crowded city streets where people openly relieved themselves. The traffic snarled at every point because of no regulations except honk horns and hit brakes. More than 80,000 pedestrians a year are killed on the streets of India by cars, buses, scooters and even motorized rickshaws.
Grass huts and palm frond houses are squeezed into every village where half clad children squat in dirty streets. No satellite dishes, no central air units, no ice-cream trucks, only poverty of people. Ornate Hindu Temples contrast the backdrop of human suffering. The women adorned in colorful saree’s, the men in white Nehru. The drab Islamic Mosque with blaring speakers cry out five times daily for the devotee to pray. Statues of Budha are niched into certain areas where the religion found its genesis but moved north and eastward to more fertile oriental soil.
I sat on a crowded India Railway train with my mission partner, George Palmer, and looked out the stained window at the rice fields being seeded in the 105ยบ temperature. India has nearly 40,000 miles of railroad that connect New Delhi, Calcutta, Hyderbad, Bombay, down to far south Madras. Every village and train station carried a similar scene of crowds waiting to board, multitudes of beggars and small baggage handlers carrying twice their weight over a thick turbans. This is India.
The people are beautiful, the children laugh, the caste system holds them firm in the grip of their social destiny. I thought of America, free, full and spoiled with luxuries of daily living. Our church steeples, McDonalds yellow arches, commercial bill boards, super highways and waving flags reminded me how blest we are. Truly, we have our problems and our differences but folk, America is the Greatest Nation on earth, no matter what the liberal critical Europeans label us. We are the envy of the earth. Our Wal-Mart’s and Quick Stops were a blessing to this country boy preacher from Oklahoma to see upon returning to America.
As I journeyed down I-240 toward Shawnee from Will Rogers Airport, I saw a huge flag unfurled over an automobile dealership. The red was bright, the blue was deep, the white stars were nearly pure in the bright June sun. . . this is the homeland. Truly we are blest. “One Nation Under God, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice For ALL.”
Many people in India found Jesus Christ while we ministered there in fulfillment of Matthew 28:18-20 “Go teach all nations …” and I found a new perspective of home sweet home. God Bless America … that is a prayer indeed.

Pastor and Chaplain
Larry D. Sparks

Fat Frog in a Dry Well

Fat Frog in a Dry Well
When You’re Down

He was the greatest American President who guided our nation through the Civil War. He suffered from depression his entire life. At one point Abraham Lincoln wrote his law partner and said, “to remain as I am is impossible. I must die or be better.” Many Americans feel that way at times but when it becomes persistent, it is depression.
Depression is the number one problem in the work force today. More than half, 56%, said they suffer from some form of depression. It’s happening at younger ages also, many teenagers drag through a day with a mind tied down with depression. Symptoms may in include loss of interest, guilt, change of weight, sleep disorders, lethargy, crying, slow thought process and even suicidal thinking. It is all quite serious.
Many great Bible characters were subject to depression. It is not new just more wide spread. Jeremiah, Jonah, Elijah, Paul, Saul and Daniel, to name a few, suffered bouts of depression. There are some good medicines. See your physician soon. However, there are some spiritual, practical, simple things you can do.
First, pray. Okay, you expected a minister to say that but it is a genuine help. Talk to God. Share with a friend you really trust. Listen to them and listen to yourself. Exercise, go for a walk. Sing, whether you sound good or not it is therapeutic. Read a good book. Watch a humorous movie and laugh out loud. Take a “Calgon” break and clear your mind. All these will help.
If you need to gain or grant forgiveness from anyone, go do it. Don’t let your past own your present peace. Life is short, full and unpredictable. Writing to the church of Rome, the Apostle Paul listed many depressing items and then said, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.” Rom. 8:37
It’s hard to smile when you’re depressed. The Chaplains office is Pastoral Care for not only patients and their families but for you also. Call us, we care. Ext. 8129 when you feel lower than a fat frog in a dry well there is some help available.

Chaplain Sparks and Chaplain Ward



According to international sources breast cancer is spreading world-wide. We have become familiar with the pink ribbons which brought American women to an awareness of breast cancer especially during October each year. What we didn’t realize was the alarming rate it was spreading in other countries. Though the US leads the way in diagnosis and near the top in deaths, it has far more exams and treatments than other nations.
According to Newsweek magazine an Egyptian woman is told she has breast cancer every three minutes but may not tell her husband for fear he will leave. Many countries fail to report their cancers due to so many other issues such as aids, hunger and no place for treatments. Western Europe, Australia, South America and other areas of Europe follow Americans lead of awareness and reporting. Sadly, places like Asia, Africa and India are extremely slow at dealing with such health issues. Gender and ethnicity does make a difference.
Mammograms and MRI’s are simple not available in many areas. Even among America’s poor, discover and treatment maybe withheld. Cost for mammogram is $50-$150 where magnetic imaging could cost a $1000 or more. Sadly, many women do not perform monthly self-examines.
Our American or Western diet may be a contributor to the rise in breast cancer and probably has influenced other nations also. Age increases the cancer promotion estrogen also, as well as genetics and delayed childbirth. Links to smoking, deodorants, birth control and the recent phenomenon of breast implants are considered factors.
Here in the US, more especially Oklahoma and Shawnee locally, we have noticed the pink ribbons, pins and programs showing up. It would be a shame to let all this information slide by without learning, taking the needed pre-cautions and helping resource studies for treatment. All it takes is one phone call from a wife, mother, sister, or daughter with a tearful voice on the other end of the phone saying, “I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I’m scared!” sudd3enly the cause become ours…when actually it always should have been our battle to fight.
Pray for those battling this disease and those seeking a cure. Look for ways to support and certainly become a part of the awareness campaign. Pink, it never looked so good or said so much as it does in October. Ladies, we are on your team. One day, pink will mean victory rather than awareness

Chaplain Larry Sparks
Pink Ribbons

Every October you see them,
Throughout every city and town;
Simple pink ribbons,
That speak volumes without a sound.

They remind us of a battle,
Being fought for human life.
In Cancer Centers for women,
Who are mothers, daughters and wives.

One tiny pink ribbon worn,
On the collar or suits lapel;
Rallying the medical community,
To help and make us well.

Frail from constant chemo treatments,
Yet with hope they carry on;
This may be the year of the cure,
When the pink ribbons have finally won.

Lift high your noble faces,
Let only joyful sounds be heard;
As the October Pink banner is lifted,
Our unified spirits are stirred.

Think Pink, pray and support,
For all you ladies so dear;
Early detection and treatment,
Let this be the healing year.

Larry Sparks

Relevance and Perspective

Relevance and Perspective

I stood in the waiting room at the Emergency Department watching for a moment the two presidential candidates snip at each other. Seemed important but I was on my way to relate to a family their father just died. Somehow they are not relevant to this family right now. Really, they are going to fix our world in four years? Perspective is changed in crisis.

Then there was that beautiful baby being wheeled out in her mother’s arms toward a mid-size car where a proud papa awaits. Yet my own great-grandchild is trussed with tubes and lines fighting for life in another hospital. That wheel-chair seems so irrelevant at the moment. I must keep a positive perspective or the negative will overwhelm.

The price of gas is high. We complained among ourselves at lunch how the over three dollar price would break us and we’d all be riding bicycles. And then I looked up and there he was, shaggy-hair, tasseled beard and riding a 25 year old bike with bed roll on the back. Suddenly gas prices seemed not so bad and a hot meal more the focus. Air in the tires, food in the stomach and a survival perspective.

Two P.M. and my feet hurt, my back aches and my sinuses are plagued by allergies. I’ve been on my feet a lot today and mowing the yard yesterday sure stopped up my head. Poor me. Then I glanced inside the Cancer Center on my way back to my office. There she sat, frail, a doo-rag on her bald head, portable oxygen tank in her lap and slumped over in weakness. Maybe my feet aren’t so bad. Sorry, Lord, I need a fresh new perspective.

Working at a hospital can change the relevant perspective on any given matter. All it takes is an open mind, tender heart and willingness to see. Life and people are relevant, God says so and He always has the right perspective.
Larry Sparks

Looking For Leaders

Looking For Leaders

There are certain days, crisis, battles and challenges that define a man’s life and his legacy. Those times are crossovers into change which cannot be altered in how he views himself and his ability to handle future troubles. The soldier who faces down the enemy rather than running. The good Samaritan who pulls the victim from the fiery car. The one pivotal decision made that creates an outcome of blessing for others that only he could make.

This is the daily routine for some people. They are called leaders. They have so proven themselves to be decisive, heroic, trustworthy and unselfish that others seek to follow safely behind them. People, both men and women, have these innate qualities but time, life experience and that critical moment has not occurred yet. Thus as we look for potential leaders locally and nationally, we often have no water-mark of the past to define their action to a presented challenge.

Rhetoric cannot help nor hide what is lacking on a person’s resume. They either have been there and proven to be of the right stock or haven’t. Media tends to be misleading as they popularize certain people or manipulate outcomes on polls and strategies. Records of individuals are public and cannot be hidden.

Many key issues are worth exploring as we embrace our own plans for investing in these leaders. Morality must be considered because our children and grand-children are depending on us to define certain things and leave absolutes for them to build on. Financial stability follows as a responsibility and develop. This is now a global issue and boggles the mind. The international involvement militarily in obtaining, protecting and preserving peace in a nuclear world is awesome. There are no simple answers since many of our own citizens are from these nations at risk. God help us if we err in these areas with so many lives at stake.

Education, judicial systems, prison reform, taxes, technology, labor, minorities, ethics, and dozens more call for multi-diversity in knowledge and judgment in sharing in appointment of other leaders. Remember, local leadership counts just as important as the national stage. With all of our cell phones, computers, internets and television coverage of news twenty-four hours a day, we are the most uninformed generation by deliberate choice. We have chosen entertainment, recreation, pleasure, sports, etc. as our reason for existing and priority of attention.

I am always amazed when conversing with people of other countries how much more they know about American life issues than Americans do. That’s sad when you figure we are so prone to complain about inconveniences we face and people who we deem failures in leadership. Making right decisions through a process of exploring facts, information and prospective leaders will unify us and not divide. The more we know, the better the outcome for all of us. Our past leaders historically have proved this and we live in that lap of security today they created.

So, in one sense you are a leader as you cast your vote for Mayor, Commissioner, Senator, or President. That vote may define you more than them. Your portion of our world is very important, as is your influence, your input, your leadership. Come lead, follow and together we build a better world. Paved with prayer, saturated with wisdom and held with patience, you are needed.



Candy is flying off the shelves, even diet chocolates, Florist are scurrying to fill orders, and cards are mailed or placed in conspicuous locations for the sweetheart to find…Ah! Yes, it is Valentine Week. The special evening dinner out is planned, so make your reservations early or you’ll be in line at the fast food place.
There are some “love at first sight” relationships and we live in an age of online dating. There is something though to be said about the old traditional dating, waiting, before mating approach. Some Hollywood marriages found that out. Actress Robin Givens married her tennis coach and it lasted only one day. She later married boxer Mike Tyson, it lasted 11 months. Brittany Spears and Jason Alexander got married in Vegas and that’s where their marriage stayed. It lasted all of 55 hours. Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman also left their $75.00 wedding in Vegas after 9 days. Drew Barrymore and Jeremy Thomas ground out 19 days of wedded bliss. The list goes on from the altar to falter for many who rushed past the engagement period.
During Gov. Frank Keating’s stint as our state’s leader, he helped form the Marriage Initiative. The purpose was to halt the divorce rate which was nearly half the ratio of marriages in Oklahoma. It called for pre-marital counseling and post marriage (divorce) counsel where children were involved. It is still in process and progress. There is truly great wisdom in preparation for a life together rather than weeks spent on designing a wedding ceremony. Many Pastors’ have become reluctant to perform marriages where couples rush to the altar without counsel.
Valentine’s Day is symbolic of love, even with all the commercialism; it helps us to form those simple, profound, beautiful words… I LOVE YOU. Borrowing the verse of the Apostle Paul to the church at Philippi “It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart.” Phil. 1:7 To your sweetheart from your genuine love, say it, show it, mean it, live it and make it last. The old verse said, “Grow old with me, the best is yet to be.” Happy Valentine to every age. New love stories are being written everyday. Be one of them by showing love is real by the test of time.
I Corinthians 13:8 says “Love never fails”.

Pastor/Chaplain Larry Sparks