Thursday, September 11, 2008


It is human nature to be negative, critical and even pessimistic when viewing our social surroundings. I confess that I too have reached the age where the good old days are far better than my current world. It’s true that enormous problems exist in every sector of life but to be fair, they always have. I’m a balconeer who sits on my lofty perch and comments, criticizes and seldom commends anyone. We relish in bad news, scandal, shock and sordid stories of people and are bored at the mundane good all around us. If it surfaces we pick it apart and treat it with either suspicion or apathy.
However, it’s time some people get a good unsolicited word. Lord, close my critical lips and cap my poison pen until I report some good. Amen. For example, the Salvation Army and it’s impact on Shawnee is so obvious that the many meals served, clothes given, children helped and people housed should be joyfully applauded. Then there’s the YMCA, which so many children and adults benefit from daily. The Big Brothers meet a personal need through volunteers with time and love rendered. The Free Clinic meets medical needs each Thursday and now dental is being added by these caring professionals. Golden Age Senior Citizens Cents in each town also provides meals and fellowship. There are so many more that deserve mention.
The churches are often criticized but look at the food pantries, clothes closets, Mother’s Day Outs and spiritual help offered. Some travel around the world to share God’s love through various ministries and messages. I am always amazed at the youth and children’s activities church offer and yet someone is chunking a rock at them for doing good. Keep up the good work, that’s what the Lord would do!
So as we pelt people with our sourness about everything from potholes to tardy mail carriers, let’s don’t overlook the good around us. Thank you Hospital volunteers for so many hours served. Thank you Lions Club, Jaycees, Chamber of Commerce, Red Cross, United Way, people who pick up trash and countless sweet people who give time to help others. Truly there are some problems but I believe the good far out weighs the bad. We just have to look for it. “Whatsoever things are pure and of a good report … think on these ….” Phil. 4:8

Chaplain Larry Sparks

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